One Chicago & The FBIs Wiki
One Chicago & The FBIs Wiki
Chicago Field Office
Location: 2111 West Roosevelt Road
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Type: Federal Office Building
Show(s): Chicago Franchise

The FBI moved into its new ten-story, 350,000-square-foot office building in the spring of 2007, the building was officially opened on a rainy day as a color guard, speechifying officials, and the girls’ choir from Neuqua Valley High School contributed to the festivities. The $125 million headquarters at 2111 West Roosevelt Road features state-of-the-art facilities for processing evidence and for training the 350 agents who work there. It is a huge improvement over the old Chicago headquarters in the Dirksen Courthouse on Dearborn Street. "I am told it was not unusual for the temperature to change from ice age to global warming in a matter of minutes," said FBI Director Robert Mueller in his address to hundreds of officials and guests at the dedication. He added, "Like this new building, today’s FBI is stronger, today’s FBI is more flexible and today’s FBI is more modern."

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